Hyponic/Former Monk/Weird Truth Productions/2016 CD Review
Hyponic are a band from Hong Kong that plays a very atmospheric form of funeral doom metal and this is a review of their 2016 album "Former Monk" which will be released in August by Weird Truth Productions. A very dark and distorted sound starts off the album before adding in clean singing vocals as well as some melancholic yet melodic guitar solos and leads while the riffs bring in more of a heavier style and the music also gets very experimental at times along with most of the tracks being very long and epic in length. After awhile growling vocals are added onto the recording and the music also starts incorporating more of a funeral doom style and some tracks also add in elements of atmospheric black metal and all of the songs stick to a very slow musical direction while also being very diverse at the same time and they close the ep with a cover of Virus's "Intro". Hyponic plays a style of funeral doom metal t hat h as some death and black metal elements while also being very experimental and avant garde at the same time, the production sounds very dark and heavy while the lyrics cover human weakness themes. In my opinion Hyponic are a very great sounding experimental funeral doom metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Zhumie And Eight" and "Intro". 8 out of 10.
Posted by OccultBlackMetal at 11:09 AM