The Noise Of Time
(AreaDeath Productions)
The first time I bumped into HYPONIC from Hongkong was when reviewing AreaDeath's tribute to Chuck Schuldiner called "Unforgotten Past". For my taste, HYPONIC's version of 'The Philosopher' was pretty much the sole truly memorable contribution on that one. Their new CD contains 4 extra long, extra slow pieces of Dooooom Death comparable with ESOTERIC and the likes. HYPONIC don't quite reach those masters' level of misanthropy and despair but I'm not quite sure whether that's their goal anyway. These Chinese rather seem to focus on bombastic, threatening emotions supported by loads of cymbals and gongs. Makes it a bit unusual and therefore exotic to my ears. Just because HYPONIC isn't the most doomy band I ever listened to doesn't mean you're safe with 'em, though. If I were you, I'd lock my windows in order not to be able to hop out of the 7th floor or so. Since that's what you might be about to do when listening to the cataclysmic showdown of 'The Dead, The Stranger' for example. All those rather unusual harmonies (?) plus the inevitability of slow force are simply miles away from happiness and bubblegum. Surprisingly, somehow the leads on the last song 'Hymn To The Dark' slightly remind me of PINK FLOYD (yeah, I know I'm crazy). Just a lot slower and more bizarre. I absolutely dig that song. By the way, it seems as if at least some mail orders sell this one for the price of an EP. This plus a professional sound quality should satisfy all you doom dancers. Go an' get it! www.angelfire.com/band2/hyponic/, http://areadeath.net/
Ramon Claassen